13/22 Implementing Cisco IOS Zone-Based Firewalls (CCNA Security 640-554 Exam Cram)

13.1 Key Terms

zones = The grouping of multiple interfaces under a similar security policy together, such as inside or outside.
zone pairs = The traffic flow, for initial traffic, unidirectionally between two zones. An example is a zone pair that begins in the inside zone and goes to the outside zone. Policies can then be applied to initial traffic that is moving the direction of the zone pair (in our case, from inside to outside).
class map type inspect = This special type of class map defines specific classes and types of traffic to be used for further inspection in Zone-Based Firewalls on IOS routers.
policy map type inspect = The policy map type is associated with Zoned-Based Firewalls on the IOS. The ASA also has specific purpose policy maps for deep packet inspection.
service policy = Just like in MQC for quality of service (QoS), this is the device that ties a policy to an interface (QoS) or to a zone pair (ZBF). On an ASA, this is the command element that links a policy to one or more interfaces.
PAT = Port Address Translation. This is a subset of NAT, with multiple devices being mapped to a single address. It is also referred to as a many-to-one translation.

13.2 Things to Remember

13.2.1 Policy Map Actions

Policy Action
> Description
=> When to Use It

> Permit and statefully inspect the traffic
=> This should be used on transit traffic initiated by users who expect to get replies from devices on the other side of the firewall.

> Permits/allows the traffic but does not create an entry in the stateful database
=> Traffic that does not need a reply. Also in the case of protocols that do not support inspection, this policy could be applied to the zone pair for specific outbound traffic, and be applied to a second zone pair for inbound traffic.

> Deny the packet
=> Traffic you do not want to allow between the zones where this policy map is applied.

> Log the packets
=> If you want to see log information about packets
that were dropped because of policy, you can add
this option.

13.2.2 Traffic Interaction Between Zones

Ingress Interface Member of Zone > Egress Interface Member of Zone > Zone Pair Exists, with Applied Policy > Result

No > No > Does not matter > Traffic is forwarded.
No > Yes (any zone) > Does not matter > Traffic is dropped.
Yes (zone A) > Yes (zone A) > Does not matter > Traffic is forwarded.
Yes (zone A) > Yes (zone B) > No > Traffic is dropped.
Yes (zone A) > Yes (zone B) > Yes > Policy is applied. If policy is inspect or pass, the initial traffic is forwarded. If the policy is drop, the initial traffic is dropped.

13.2.3 Self Zone Traffic Behavior

Source Traffic Member of Zone > Destination Traffic Member of Zone > Zone Pair Exists, with a Policy Applied > Result
Self > Zone A > No > Traffic is passed.
Zone A > Self > No > Traffic is passed.
Self > Zone A > Yes > Policy is applied.
Zone A > Self > Yes > Policy is applied.

13.3 Command References

Command > Description
show class-map type inspect > Show ZBF-related class maps
show policy-map type inspect > Show ZBF related policy maps
class-map type inspect match-any MY-CLASS-MAP > Create a ZBF-related class map that will be a match if any of its entries is a match
policy-map type inspect MY-POLICY-MAP > Create a ZBF-related policy map
class type inspect MY-CLASS-MAP > Used inside of a ZBF policy map to call on the classification services of a zone-based class map
zone-pair security in-to-out source inside destination outside > Create a zone pair that identifies an initial unidirectional flow of traffic
show ip nat translations * > Show current active address translations occurring on the router

13.4 Command Examples

Components That Make Up the ZBF
R3 (config)# class-map type inspect match-any MY-CLASS-MAP
R3 (config-map)# match protocol telnet
R3 (config-map)# match protocol icmp
R3 (config-map)# exit
R3 (config)# policy-map type inspect MY-POLICY-MAP
R3 (config-pmap)# class type inspect MY-CLASS-MAP
R3 (config-pmap-c)# inspect
R3 (config-pmap-c)# exit
R3 (config-pmap)# exit
R3 (config)# zone security inside
R3 (config-sec-zone)# exit
R3 (config)# zone security outside
R3 (config-sec-zone)# exit
R3 (config-sec-zone)# zone-pair security in-to-out source inside destination outside
R3 (config-sec-zone-pair)# service-policy type inspect MY-POLICY-MAP
R3 (config-sec-zone-pair)# exit
R3 (config)# interface GigabitEthernet3/0
R3 (config-if)# description Belongs to outside zone
R3 (config-if)# zone-member security outside
R3 (config-if)# exit
R3 (config)# interface GigabitEthernet1/0
R3 (config-if)# description Belongs to inside zone
R3 (config-if)# zone-member security inside
R3 (config-if)# exit
R3 (config)#

Verifying the Configuration from the Command Line
R3# show class-map type inspect
R3# show policy-map type inspect zone-pair ccp-zp-in-out sessions

Implementing NAT
R3 (config)# access-list 2 permit
R3 (config)# interface GigabitEthernet3/0
R3 (config-if)# ip nat outside
R3 (config-if)# exit
R3 (config)# interface GigabitEthernet1/0
R3 (config-if)# ip nat inside
R3 (config-if)# exit
R3 (config)# ip nat inside source list 2 interface GigabitEthernet3/0 overload
