16/22 Implementing IOS-Based IPS (CCNA Security 640-554 Exam Cram)

16.1 Key Terms

IPS = Intrusion prevention system. Intrusion prevention systems, primarily using signature matching, can alert administrators about an attack on the network and can prevent the initial packet from entering the network.
signature files = Package of signatures that update an IDS/IPS against new attack methods. IOS IPS signature packages are similar to the signatures used on the IPS/IDS appliances.
Cisco public key = The Cisco public key is needed for the IOS-based IPS to verify Cisco’s digital signature of the IPS signature package provided by Cisco.
signature micro-engines = Part of IDS/IPS that supports a group of signatures in a common category.
enabled signature = A signature that is enabled. A signature needs to be both enabled and nonretired to be used by an IPS/IDS system.
disabled signature = A signature that is disabled. A signature needs to be both enabled and nonretired to be used by an IPS/IDS system.
retired signature = If a particular signature is deemed old and no longer a common threat, it can be retired, which reduces memory used by the IOS IPS.
unretired signature = In IPS, if a new variant would cause old signatures to become valid again, the signature can be assigned as “unretired” which will make the signature available for use, and will consume memory on the IOS router.

16.2 Things to Remember

16.2.1 Matrix for Retired/Unretired/Enabled/Disabled

Compiling/Allowing Action = Retired
Enabled – No memory consumption, and no action related to the signature during packet analysis
Disable – No memory consumption, and no action related to the signature during packet analysis

Compiling/Allowing Action = Unretired
Enabled - Consumes memory, and the signature is considered during packet analysis
Disabled - Consumes memory, but no action related to the signature during packet analysis

16.3 Command References

Command > Description
show ip sdee alerts > Allow viewing of alert events from the CLI
show ip ips configuration > Allow viewing of the IPS configuration from the CLI
ip ips sdm_ips_rule in > Apply a rule named sdm_ips_rule inbound on the current interface it is being configured under

16.4 Command Examples

Output from the Console While Signatures Are Compiled
R1# show process cpu sorted | include seconds

CLI Commands for Configuring IPS
R1 (config)# ip ips notify SDEE
R1 (config)# ip ips name sdm_ips_rule
R1 (config)# ip ips signature-category
R1 (config-ips-category)# category all
R1 (config-ips-category-action)# retired true
R1 (config-ips-category-action)# exit
R1 (config-ips-category)# category ios_ips basic
R1 (config-ips-category-action)# retired false
R1 (config-ips-category-action)# exit
R1 (config-ips-category)# exit
R1 (config)# interface FastEthernet1/0
R1 (config-if)# ip ips sdm_ips_rule_in
R1 (config-if)# exit
R1 (config)# ip ips config location
R1 (config)# ip ips signature-definition
R1 (config-sigdef)# signature 2004
R1 (config-sigdef-sig)# status
R1 (config-sigdef-sig-status)# enabled true
R1 (config-sigdef-sig-status)# retired false
R1 (config-sigdef-sig-status)# exit
R1 (config-sigdef-sig)# exit
R1 (config-sigdef)# exit
R1# show ip ips configuration
R1# show ip ips signatures sigid 2004 subid 0
R1# show ip ips signatures count

Viewing Alerts from the CLI
R1# show ip sdee alerts
R1# show ip ips statistics
