21/22 Implementing SSL VPNs Using Cisco ASA (CCNA Security 640-554 Exam Cram)

21.1 Key Terms

SSL = Secure Sockets Layer. The original security method for HTTPS, although succeeded by TLS, this term is still widely used and assumed. This is a secure alternative to HTTP.
TLS = Transport Layer Security. Based on SSL, but more widely adopted as an IETF standard in RFC 5246.
clientless SSL VPN = Allows for limited VPN resource access within some protocols that can natively support TLS, such as HTTPS and CIFS shared over HTTPS.
AnyConnect full-tunnel VPN = Cisco’s secure mobility client solution, supporting full-tunnel VPN. Requires a small client on the workstation, but then tunnels all traffic through the SSL or IPsec tunnel, allowing other nonsecure protocols to be transported and secured
PKI = Public key infrastructure. A scalable architecture that includes software, hardware, people, and procedures to facilitate the management of digital certificates
digital certificate = An encrypted hash that uniquely identifies the sender of a message and authenticates the validity and integrity of the data received. Signing is done with the private key of the sender, and validation of that signature (done by the receiver) is done using the public key of the sender.

21.2 Things to Remember

21.2.1 Comparison Between SSL and TLS

> Developed by Netscape in the 1990s v Standard developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
> Starts with a secured channel and continues directly to security negations on a dedicated port v Can start with unsecured communications and dynamically switch to a secured channel based on the negotiation with the other side
> Widely supported on client-side applications v Supported and implemented more on servers, compared to end-user devices
> More weaknesses identified in older SSL versions v Stronger implementation because of the standards

21.2.2 Options for SSL VPN Implementation

CSV: Clientless SSL VPN
CSV+: Clientless SSL VPN with Plug-Ins for Some Port Forwarding
ACV: Full AnyConnect SSL VPN Client

Other names:
CSV+: Thin client
ACV: Full SSL client

Installed software on client:
CSV: No client required
CSV+: Small applets and/or configuration required.
ACV: Full install of AnyConnect required, but may be installed by initially connecting via the clientless option, and securely installing it that way.

User experience:
CSV: Feels like accessing resources (that are on the corporate network) through a specific browser window or hyperlink.
CSV+: Some applications can be run locally with output redirected through the VPN. Includes the features of the clientless VPN.
ACV: Full access to the corporate network. The local computer acts and feels like it is a full participant on the corporate network.

Servers that can be used:
CSV: IOS with the correct software, and ASA with the correct licenses
CSV+: IOS with the correct software, and ASA with the correct licenses
ACV: IOS with the correct software, and ASA with the correct licenses

How the user looks from the corporate network:
CSV: Traffic is proxied ( Port Address Translation [PAT] ) by the SSL server, as the users packets enter the corporate network.
CSV+: Traffic is proxied ( Port Address Translation [PAT] ) by the SSL server, as the users packets enter the corporate network.
ACV: Clients are assigned their own virtual IP address to use while accessing the corporate network. Traffic is forwarded from the given IP address of the client into the corporate network.

Clients supported:
CSV: Most SSL-capable computers
CSV+: Computers that support SSL and Java
ACV: Most computers that support SSL

21.3 Command Examples

Implementing a Clientless SSL VPN
asa1 (config)# group-policy SSL_Group internal
asa1 (config)# ssl trust-point ASDM_TrustPoint0 outside
asa1 (config)# webvpn
asa1 (config-webvpn)# enable outside
asa1 (config-webvpn)# group-policy SSL_Group attributes
asa1 (config-group-policy)# vpn-tunnel-protocol ssl-clientless
asa1 (config-group-policy)# webvpn
asa1 (config-group-webvpn)# url-list value MyList
asa1 (config-group-webvpn)# exit
asa1 (config-group-policy)# exit
asa1 (config)# tunnel-group Connection_Profile_IINS type remote-access
asa1 (config)# tunnel-group Connection_Profile_IINS general-attributes
asa1 (config-tunnel-general)# default-group-policy SSL_Group
asa1 (config-tunnel-general)# tunnel-group Connection_Profile_IINS webvpn-attributes
asa1 (config-tunnel-webvpn)# group-alias SSL_VPN enable
asa1 (config-tunnel-webvpn)# group-url enable

Configuring an SSL AnyConnection Client VPN
# object network NETWORK_OBJ_10.0.0.0_25
# subnet
# ip local pool POOLS-for-AnyConnect mask
# group-policy GroupPolicy_SSL_AnyConnect internal
# group-policy GroupPolicy_SSL_AnyConnect attributes
.# vpn-tunnel-protocol ssl-client
.# dns-server value
.# wins-sever none
.# default-domain value cisco.com
# exit
# webvpn
.# enable outside
.# anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-macosx-i386-2.5.2014-k9.pkg 1
.# anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-win-2.5.2014-k9.pkg 2
.# anyconnect enable
.# tunnel-group-list enable
# tunnel-group SSL_AnyConnect type remote-access
# tunnel-group SSL_AnyConnect general-attributes
.# default-group-policy GroupPolicy_SSL_AnyConnect
.# address-pool POOLS-for-AnyConnect
# tunnel-group SSL_AnyConnect webvpn-attributes
.# group-alias SSL_AnyConnect enable
# nat (inside,outside) 3 source static inside interface destination static NETWORK_OBJ_10.0.0.0_25 NETWORK_OBJ_10.0.0.0_25 no-proxy-arp route-lookup
