6/22 Securing the Management Plane on Cisco IOS Devices (CCNA Security 640-554 Exam Cram)

6.1 Key Terms

AAA = Authentication, authorization, and accounting.
Method list = List of available methods for AAA to use in order (local, RADIUS, TACACS, and so on).
Custom privilege level = Level 0 (user) and level 15 (enable) are predefined; anything in between (1–14) would be custom privilege level.
Parser view = Commands are available only within particular contexts (views). This is a way to implement role-based management, by creating views and associating specific administrators with those views.
SSH = Secure Shell. An encrypted alternative to Telnet. For remote CLI management access to a network device.
Syslog = Logging messages can be sent to a syslog server that gathers all incoming messages into text files. Syslog server programs can sort by incoming device IP and by severity/facility levels to make security monitoring simpler.
SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol is used for device management, including requesting information and receiving updates from network devices.
NTP = Network Time Protocol. Used to synchronize time on the network, which is important for log messages and for any IPS/IDS event time stamps to correlate messages across multiple devices.
Secure bootset = Part of the Cisco IOS Resilient Configuration feature, preventing the erasure of IOS files from a storage device, such as flash or NVRAM.

6.2 Things to Remember

6.2.1 AAA Components to Secure Administrative and Remote LAN Access

Access Type Mode > Mode > Where These Are Likely to Be Used > AAA Command Element
Remote administrative access (Usually TACACS+ between the router and the ACS) > Character (line or EXEC mode) > Lines: vty, AUX console, and tty > login , enable , exec
Remote network access end users (Usually RADIUS between the router and the ACS) > Packet (interface mode) such as an interface with PPP requiring authentication > Interfaces: async, group-async, BRI, PRI, Other functionality: VPN user authentication > ppp, network, vpn groups

6.2.2 Method List Options

Command Element > Description
type > Identifies the type of list being created. Relevant options are authentication, authorization , or accounting.
default > Specifies the default list of methods to be used based on the methods that follow this argument. If you use the keyword default, a custom name is not used.
list-name > Used to create a custom method list. This is the name of this list, and is used when this list is applied to a line, such as to vty lines 0–4.
method > At least one method must be specified. To use the local user database, use the local keyword. A single list can contain up to 4 methods, which are tried in order, from left to right. In the case of an authentication method list, methods include the following:
enable: The enable password is used for authentication. This might be an excellent choice as the last method in a method list. This way, if the previous methods are not available (such as the AAA server, which might be down or not configured), the router times out on the first methods and eventually prompts the user for the enable secret as a last resort.
krb5: Kerberos 5 is used for authentication.
krb5-telnet: Kerberos 5 Telnet authentication protocol is used when using Telnet to connect to the router.
line: The line password (the one configured with the password command, on the individual line) is used for authentication.
local: The local username database (running config) is used for authentication.
local-case: Requires case-sensitive local username authentication.
none: No authentication is used.
group radius: A RADIUS server (or servers) is used for authentication.
group tacacs+: A TACACS+ server (or servers) is used for authentication.
group group-name: Uses either a subset of RADIUS or TACACS+ servers for authentication as defined by the aaa group server radius or aaa group server tacacs+ command.

6.3 Command References

Command > Description
service password-encryption > Encrypt most plaintext passwords in the configuration.
aaa new-model > Enable AAA features.
aaa authentication login default local > Create a default method list for character mode login that will use the local database (running config) on the router or switch.
enable view > Enter the root parser view, from where you can create additional views. This requires that aaa new-model already be in place in the configuration.
privilege exec level 8 show startup-config > Assign a show startup-config command to a custom privilege level 8.
crypto key generate rsa > Create the public/private key pair required for SSH.
secure boot-image > Secure the IOS image on flash
aaa authentication bubba local enable > Create an authentication method list called bubba that will use the local database first, and if the username does not exist, will require the enable secret to allow login.
line console 0 login authentication bubba > Apply the method list named bubba to the console port.

6.4 Command Examples

Using Strong Passwords
R1 (config)# username admin secret CeyeSc01$24
R1 (config)# line console 0
R1 (config-line)# password k4(1fmMsS1#
R1 (config-line)# login
R1 (config-line)# exit
R1 (config)# line vty 0 4
R1 (config-line)# password 8wT1*eGP5@
R1 (config-line)# login
R1 (config-line)# line aux 0
R1 (config-line)# no exec
R1 (config-line)# password 1wT1@ecP27
R1 (config-line)# login
R1 (config-line)# exit
R1 (config)# do show run | include username
R1 (config)# do show run | include password
R1 (config)# service password-encryption
R1 (config)# do show run | begin line

Enabling AAA Services and Working with Method Lists
R1 (config)# aaa new-model
R1 (config)# tacacs-server host
R1 (config)# tacacs-server key ToUgHPaSsW0rD-1#7
R1 (config)# aaa authentication login default local enable
R1 (config)# aaa authentication login MY-LIST-1 group tacacs local enable
R1 (config)# aaa authorization commands 1 TAC1 group tacacs+ local
R1 (config)# aaa authorization commands 15 TAC15 group tacacs+ local
R1 (config)# aaa accounting commands 1 TAC-act1 start-stop group tacacs+
R1 (config)# aaa accounting commands 15 TAC-act15 start-stop group tacacs+
R1 (config)# username admin privilege 15 secret 4Je7*1swEsf
R1 (config)# line vty 0 4
R1 (config-line)# login authentication MY-LIST-1
R1 (config-line)# authorization commands 1 TAC1
R1 (config-line)# authorization commands 15 TAC15
R1 (config-line)# accounting ommands 1 TAC-act1
R1 (config-line)# accounting commands 15 TAC-act15

Another Example of Creating and Applying a Custom Method List to vty Lines
R2 (config)# aaa authentication login MY-AUTHEN-LIST-1 local enable none
R2 (config)# line vty 0 4
R2 (config-line)# login authentication MY-AUTHEN-LIST-1
R2 (config-line)# exit
R2 (config)# username bob secret ciscobob
R2 (config)# enable secret ciscoenable
R2 (config)# interface loopback 0
R2 (config-if)# ip address
R2 (config-if)# exit
R2 (config)# logging buffered 7
R2 (config)# end
R2# debug aaa authentication
R2# clear log
R2# telnet
R2> who
R2> exit
R2# telnet
R2> exit
R2# telnet

Using debug Commands
R4 (config-if)# ip address
R4 (config-if)# exit
R4 (config)# username admin privilege 15 secret cisco
R4 (config)# aaa authentication login AUTHEN_Loc local
R4 (config)# aaa authorization exec AUTHOR_Exec_Loc local
R4 (config)# aaa authorization command 15 AUTHOR_Com_15 local
R4 (config)# line vty 0 4
R4 (config-line)# login authentication AUTHEN_Loc
R4 (config-line)# authorization exec AUTHOR_Exec_Loc
R4 (config-line)# authorization commands 15 AUTHOR_Com_15
R4 (config-line)# exit
R4 (config)#
R4 (config)# do debug aaa authentication
R4 (config)# do debug aaa authorization
R4 (config)# exit
R4# telnet
R4# config t
R4 (config)#

Creating and Assigning Commands to a Custom Privilege Level
R2 (config)# privilege exec level 8 configure terminal
R2 (config)# enable secret level 8 0 NewPa5s123&
R2 (config)# end
R2# disable
R2> show privilege
R2> enable ?
R2> enable 8
R2# show privilege
R2# configure terminal
R2# ?

Creating a Local User and Associating That User with Privilege Level 8 and Assigning Login Requirements on the vty Lines
R2 (config)# username Bob privilege 8 secret Cisco123
R2 (config)# line vty 0 4
R2 (config-line)# login local

Creating and Working with Parser Views
R2 (config)# enable secret aBc!2#&iU
R2 (config)# aaa new-model
R2 (config)# end
R2# enable view
R2# configure terminal
R2 (config)# parser view New_VIEW
R2 (config-view)# secret New_VIEW_PW
R2 (config-view)# commands exec include ping
R2 (config-view)# commands exec include all show
R2 (config-view)# commands exec include configure
R2 (config-view)# commands configure include access-list
R2 (config-view)# exit
R2 (config)# exit
R2# disable
R2> enable view New_VIEW
R2# show parser view
R2# configure terminal
R2 (config)# ?

Associating a User Account with a Parser View
R2 (config)# username Lois view New_VIEW secret cisco123

Preparing for SSH
Router (config)# hostname R1
R1 (config)# crypto key generate rs
R1 (config)# ip domain-name cisco.com
R1 (config)# crypto key generate rsa
R1 (config)#
R1 (config)# username Keith secret C1#kRk*ks
R1 (config)# line vty 04
R1 (config-line)# login local

Perparing for SSH – continued from “Alternatively”
R1 (config)# aaa new-model
R1 (config)# aaa authentication login Keith-List-1 local
R1 (config)# line vty 0 4
R1 (config-line)# login authentication Keith-List-1
R1# ssh –l Keith
R1> show ssh

Perparing for HTTPS
R1 (config)# ip http secure-server
R1 (config)# ip http authentication ?
R1 (config)# ip http authentication local

Using Service Time Stamps with Syslog Events
R4 (config)# interface fa0/0
R4 (config-if)# shut
R4 (config-if)#
R4 (config)# service timestamps log datetime
R4 (config)# int fa0/0
R4 (config-if)# no shutdown

CLI Equivalent Generated by CCP
logging trap debugging
logging buffered 8192 informational

Output Created by CCP for Implementing SNMPv1
snmp-server location
snmp-server contact Bubba Jones
snmp-server community super-secret RW
snmp-server host trap cisK0tRap^

Using Authentication via Keys with NTPv3 (CCP syntax delivered to router)
ntp update-calendar
ntp authentication-key 1 md5 pAs5w0rd!3@
ntp authenticate
ntp trusted-key 1
ntp server key 1 source FastEthernet0/0 prefer

Verifying Synchronization for the NTP Client
R2# show ntp status
R2# show ntp association

Creating a Secure Bootset
R6 (config)# secure boot-image
R6 (config)# secure boot-config
R6 (config)# do show secure bootset
