Notes on: AWS Essentials: 4) S3

Just a place to put some notes on the “AWS Essentials” course from

4) Simple Storage Service (S3)
4.1) S3 Basics

AWS Definition:
“Amazon S3 has a simple web services interfaces that you can use to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. It gives any user access to the same highly scalable, reliable, fast, inexpensive data storage infrastructure that Amazon uses to run its own global network of web site. The service aims to maximize benefits of scale and to pass those benefits on to users.”

Image: AWS Console -> Services -> Storage -> S3

S3 = Simple Storage Service
S3 is AWS’s primary storage service, and you can store any type of file in S3.

Buckets: Root level “Folders” you create in S3 are referred to as buckets.
Folder: Any “subfolder” you create in a bucket is referred to as a folder.
Objects: Files stored in a bucket are referred to as objects.

When you create a bucket, you must select a specific region for it to exist.
Any data you upload to the S3 bucket will be physically located in a data center in that region.
Best practice: Select the region that is physically closed to you, to reduce transfer latency - OR - create the bucket in a region closest to your customers.

Note: Some AWS services only work with/communicate with each other if they are in the same AWS region.

Consult detailed S3 Pricing:
Free Tier use is available for S3 (currently 5GB)
Storage Cost: Applies to data at rest in S3, charged per GB used, price varies based on region and storage class.
Request pricing (moving data in/out of S3): PUT, COPY, POST, LIST, GET, Lifecycle Transitions Request, Data Retrieval, Data Archive, Data Restore

4.2) Buckets & Objects

Bucket Naming Rules:
Bucket names -
- must be unique across ALL of AWS (that’s for everyone in the world)
- must be 3 to 63 characters in length
- can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens
- must not be formatted as an IP address

Image: Amazon S3 -> Create Bucket

Steps to Create Bucket in Amazon S3:
1) Name and region
2) Set properties
3) Set permissions
4) Review

Image: Amazon S3 > {Bucket Name}: Tabs

Bucket Level Properties: General Info, Permissions, Static Web Hosting, Logging, Events, Versioning, Lifecycle, Cross-Region Replication, Tags, Requester Pays, Transfer Acceleration

Folder Level Properties: General Info, Details

Object Level Properties: General Info, Details, Permissions, MetaData

4.3) Storage Classes

Detailed S3 pricing based on storage class:

A storage class represents the “classification” assigned to each Object in S3.

Available storage classes in order of most -> least expensive:
- Standard (default): General, all-purpose storage
- Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS): Non-critical, reproducible objects
- Infrequent Access (S3-IA): Accessed infrequently but immediately available
- Glacier: Long-term archival storage (very low cost)

Each storage class has varying attributes that dictate things like:
Storage cost, Object availability, Object durability, Frequency of access (to the object)

Durability: 99.99999999999% for Standard, S3-IA, Glacier, and 99.99% for RRS.
Availability: 99.99% for Standard, RRS, and 99.9% for S3-IA (may take several hours for objects stored in Glacier to be retrieved.)

Each object is assigned a storage class, and this can be changed at any time (mostly).

Image: Example file with ‘Storage class’ = Standard

Object Durability = % over a one year time period that a file stored in S3 will NOT be lost.
Object Availability = % over a one year time period that a file stored in S3 WILL be accessible.

Setting/changing storage class:
- For new objects: set the proper settings prior to or during the upload process, or use object lifecycle policies.
- For objects (and folders) in Standard/RRS/S3-IA you can manually switch storage class at any time via object properties.
- To move an object to Glacier, must use object lifecycles (may take 1 to 2 days)

4.4) Object Lifecycles

An object lifecycle is a set of rules that automate the migration of an object’s storage class to a different storage class (or deletion), based on specified time intervals (to keep the S3 storage cost as low as possible).

Lifecycle functionality is located on the bucket level. A lifecycle policy can be applied to:
- The entire bucket
- One specific folder within a bucket
- One specific object within a bucket

Image: Amazon S3 > {Your Bucket} > Management tab > + Add lifecycle rule

Steps to Create Lifecycle Rule in Amazon S3:
1) Name and scope
2) Transitions
3) Expiration
4) Review

4.5) Permissions

On the Bucket level, you can control:
- List (who can see the bucket name)
- Upload/Delete
- View Permissions
- Edit Permissions

On the Object level, you can control:
- Open/Download
- View Permissions
- Edit Permissions

You can share an S3 object with the world simply by clicking “Make Public”, and providing the link.

Image: Amazon S3 share a file with the world (make public)

4.6) Object Versioning

S3 versioning is a feature that keeps track of and stores all old/new versions of an object so that you can access and use an older version if you like.
S3 Versioning is either ON or OFF. Once ON it can only be SUSPENDED (cannot turn off) - once suspended, all previous objects with versions will still maintain their older versions. Versioning is set on the bucket level and applies to ALL objects in the bucket.

Image: Amazon S3 > {Your Bucket} > Enable versioning

4.7) Quiz: S3 Essentials

Q: What feature MUST be used to change an object’s storage class to Glacier?
A: Lifecycles

T: S3 names must be unique across all AWS accounts worldwide, and must follow specific naming rules.
T: S3 is a bulk storage service where you can store any type of file.
T: S3 stands for Simple Storage Service.

Q: What is the S3 feature that allows you to store and access older iterations of objects?
A: Versioning.

T: The four S3 Storage Classes include Standard, Reduced Redundancy, Infrequent Access and Glacier.

Q: If you have an object that is easily reproducible and must be quickly accessible, what would be the best storage class to use for it?
A: Reduced Redundancy.

T: By setting proper permissions on the object level, you can allow the public to download the object via a URL.
