Notes on: AWS Essentials: 11) Route 53

Just a place to put some notes on the “AWS Essentials” course from

11) Route 53
11.1) Route 53 Basics

Amazon Route 53 performs 3 main functions:
(1) Domain registration
(2) Domain Name System (DNS) service
(3) Health checking - Amazon Route 53 sends automated requests over the Internet to your application to verify that it is reachable, available and functional.

Pricing/Cost Overview

Free Tier use is NOT available for Route 53.

Charged for:
(1) Number of hosted zones
(2) Traffic flow (per policy)
(3) Standard queries
(4) Latency based routing
(5) Geo DNS queries
(6) Health checks
(7) Register/transfer a domain

11.2) Using Route 53

Image: Services > Networking & Content Delivery:Route 53

Image: Amazon Route 53

The Amazon Route 53 Side Menu Bar

- Dashboard
- Hosted zones
- Health checks

Traffic flow
- Traffic policies
- Policy records

- Registered domains
- Pending request

11.3) Quiz: Route 53 Essentials

Q: In a highly available and fault tolerant architecture with multiple EC2 instances hosting a website, what is the purpose of Route 53?
A: To populate external DNS servers with domain/IP address information AND to route incoming traffic to the ELB.

T: A web browser must have the IP address of a web server to locate it on the Internet
T: DNS servers are used to translate common language web domains into IP addresses

Q: When you type a domain name into a web browser, what best describes the process that occurs to deliver the website content back to the browser?
A: The browser sends a request to a DNS server asking for the IP address associated with the domain name.

Q: What best describes Route 53?
A: A service to register domains and configure DNS records
