Just a place to put
some notes on the “AWS Essentials” course from https://linuxacademy.com
12) Lambda
12.1) Lambda Basics
Lambda is serverless
AWS Lambda...
...is a compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing
...executes your
code only when needed and scales automatically.
Pay only for
compute time you consume - no charge when your code is not running.
All you need to do is supply your code in one of the
languages that AWS Lambda supports*.
*Currently: Node.js, Java, C# and Python.
Image: ‘Traditional
AWS Architecture’ vs ‘AWS Lambda Architecture’
Free Tier use is available for Lambda!
(1) Requests (to
execute code)
(2) Duration
(the length of time it takes the code to execute)
(3) Accessing data
from other AWS services/resources
12.2) Lambda Test
Image: AWS Services
> Compute:Lambda
Image: AWS Lambda
Creating a
Lambda Function
(1) Select blueprint
(2) Configure triggers
(3) Configure function
(4) Review
(testing) the Lambda function
Select the function and click the “Test” button
12.3) Quiz: Lambda Essentials
Q: What are the two primary ways you are charged for
using Lambda?
A: Execution requests and execution duration
T: AWS Lambda is a serverless compute platform.
Q: What AWS service will Lambda eventually replace?
A: EC2
T: You are only charged (by the 100 millisecond) for how
long it takes your code to run each time it is executed.
Q: What are the current languages that Lambda supports?
A: Node.js, Java, C# and Python
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