NetApp OnCommand Insight ACQCLI Syntax

Note: Also see this YouTube Video:
OnCommand Insight - Datasource Bulk Import Utility

ACQCLI is NetApp OnCommand Insight’s Datasource Bulk Import Utility

To find it, in the command prompt navigate to:

C:\>cd "c:\Program Files\SANscreen\acq\bin\acqcli"

In the folder there are the following files:

c:\Program Files\SANscreen\acq\bin\acqcli>dir
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 54E5-0722

 Directory of c:\Program Files\SANscreen\acq\bin\acqcli

    475 acqcli.bat
 49,278 acqcli.jar
    400 acqcli_interactive.bat
 DIR    log
    843 log4j2_acqcli.xml
 72,704 SiteSurvey_DataSourceImporter_w_Macro.xls

To view the acqcli commands run acqcli with a question mark:

c:\Program Files\SANscreen\acq\bin\acqcli>acqcli ?
Missing mandatory argument 'user'

acqcli {command} [-argname=value ...] -user={user} -password={password} [-ociip={oci server ip/hostname}]

Available commands:

Add a new data source to the system:
    add [-au={auname}] -type={type} [-vendor={vendor}] [-model={model}] -name={dsname} [-{propname1}={propvalue1} ...]

Test a data source with the given id:
    test -id={dsid}

Update a data source attribute value:
    update -id={dsid} -{attribute}={value} [...]

Delete a data source with the given id:
    rm -id={dsid}

Lists all data sources currently in the system:

Lists all data source types available in the system:

Lists all acquisition units currently in the system:

Describe a data source with the given id (provide all details known):
    desc -id={dsid}

Return xml description of all data sources (provides all details known):

Force an immediate poll for a data source with the given id:
    force -id={dsid}

Postpone a data source with the given id for the specified number of days:
    postpone -id={dsid} -days={number of days}

Resume a data source with the given id:
    resume -id={dsid}

Image: NetApp OnCommand Insight ACQCLI
