If You Are Using MySQL Workbench then MySQLTutorial is the Best Information Source

If you use MySQL Workbench, then you’ll learn that MySQL Workbench has some behaviours that means your SQL Query doesn’t always work like you think it should.

I find MySQLTutorial is the most useful resource if you’re using MySQL Workbench, because it has examples run in MySQL Workbench. Like the example below:

Otherwise, I like -

- as there’s a nice sidebar listing SQL commands out. If you’re new to SQL and don’t know what is possible, it is very useful to see available commands.

The comparable article to the mysqltutorial is this one:
This demonstrates why you need to use both web resources, since this web page talks about:
- ‘Storage Procedure with One Paramter’
- ‘Stored Procedure with Multiple Parameters’
Both of which are very useful to know about and not in the mysqltutorial article.

Image: w3schools dot com useful SQL sidebar

w3schools is also very good for other stuff:

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