When you've inherited a MySQL instance with loads of schemas and tables, many undocumented, and you're wondering "are these tables even used?" knowing how to find the -
- Last time a MySQL Table was Accessed
- Last time a MySQL Table was Updated
- is very helpful. And this is very easy to do:
Last time a MySQL Table was Accessed/Updated
SELECT update_time FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = 'tablename'
Note: There are two threads on StackOverflow, 1 for accessed and 1 for updated but they both give the same answer.
UPDATE_TIME is supposed to contain the timestamps of last update (or insert or delete).
The curious of you might do a DESCRIBE information_schema.tables and wonder what CHECK_TIME is. CHECK_TIME is basically the last time 'CHECK TABLE' was run (CHECK TABLE checks a table or tables for errors.)
A query I quite like:
SELECT table_schema,table_name,create_time,update_time,table_comment FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'your_schema' order by 4 DESC
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