[ONTAP 9.6 & 9.7] Checking Storage Efficiencies on NetApp AFF

If you’re not hitting your storage efficiency guarantees, the following commands cover reporting and achieving best practice on NetApp ONTAP All-Flash-FAS (AFF).
Note: Remember storage efficiency savings cannot be achieved with pre-compressed or pre-encrypted data.
Report on Aggregate Level (Cross Volume) Efficiency - Deduplication and Compaction (also reports on Volume Level Deduplication and Compression):
rows 0
set adv
aggr show -fields aggregate -root false
aggr show-efficiency -advanced -aggregate {AGGR_NAME}

Report on Volume Level Efficiency - Deduplication and Compression:
df -S
Note: Compaction scope is volume level but is reported at the aggregate level.
AFF Storage Efficiency Best Practices
1) Use thin provisioned volumes (space-guarantee = none)

vserver show -type data -fields vserver,rootvolume
vol show -vserver {VSERVER_NAME} -space-guarantee volume -fields space-guarantee-enabled
vol modify -vserver {VSERVER_NAME} -volume {VOLUME_NAME} -space-guarantee none

2) Ensure All Storage Efficiencies Features are Enabled:
volume efficiency config -volume {VOLUME_NAME}

Example volume:
Vserver:                      vs0
Vol                            vol1
Schedule:                       -
Policy:                          auto
Compression:                      true
Inline Compression:                true
Inline Dedupe:                      true
Data Compaction:                     true
Cross Volume Inline Deduplication:    true
Cross Volume Background Deduplication: true

Note: All the features should be set as ‘true’ and policy at ‘auto’ (or policy default or have a schedule.)

volume efficiency config -volume * -fields policy
volume efficiency config -volume * -fields compression
volume efficiency config -volume * -fields inline-compression
volume efficiency config -volume * -fields compression-type
volume efficiency config -volume * -field inline-dedupe
volume efficiency config -volume * -field data-compaction
volume efficiency config -volume * -field cross-volume-inline-dedupe
volume efficiency config -volume * -field cross-volume-background-dedupe

3) Enable cross-volume sharing on aggregates (if not already enabled):
set diag
aggr efficiency show -aggregate {AGGR_NAME}
aggr efficiency modify -cross-volume-inline-dedupe true -cross-volume-background-dedupe true -aggregate {AGGR_NAME}
4) Find and promote any deprioritized volumes:
set diag
volume efficiency show -auto-state Deprioritized
volume efficiency promote -volume {VOLUME_NAME}
5) Run volume background scanners on all previous deprioritised volumes:
set diag
volume efficiency start -volume {VOLUME_NAME} -vserver {VSERVER_NAME} -scan-old-data true -scan-all true -compression true -dedupe true -compaction true
volume efficiency show
6) Run aggregate cross volume background dedupe:
aggregate efficiency cross-volume-dedupe start -scan-old-data true -aggregate {AGGREGATE_NAME}
aggregate efficiency cross-volume-dedupe show
Further Reading
How to maximize storage efficiency on All Flash FAS systems running ONTAP 9.x:
How to maximize storage efficiency post AFF ONTAP 9.x migration:
