[OCI DWH] Finding out SQL Queries Running on the OCI DWH

It is possible to see the SQL queries that are running on the NetApp OnCommand Insight DataWareHouse by:

1) Log into the OCI-DWH admin portal:


Default login = admin/admin123

2) Go to the Troubleshooting page:


And you want to click on the:


Which takes you to:


3) In the dwh_troubleshoot.log (increase the rows to maximum which is like 200'000 I believe), you can see the SQL queries that are being run, which is quite interesting. Not sure if it is all the SQL queries that are being run (i.e. is it all of the Cognos Reports, SANscreen operations, client-attached - e.g. MySQL workbench - connections...).

From when the SQL was run, you could work out what reports are using that SQL, using the IBM Cognos Administration Console.
