HP EVA Notes


HP CommandView EVA – opens WebUI https://localhost:2372/login on SANMGMT Server.
HP StorageWorks Command View EVAPerf


EVA DSM – which includes:
- HPDSM PR Utility
- Path Performance

HP MPIO DSM Managerwhich includes:
- Configure Notifications
- Management Console

SWMAgent – Remote Support

HP Softwares in Add/Remove Programs on a Typical HP ProLiant Windows Server Attached to EVA SAN
*Highlighted in red specific components found for EVA

HP Array Configuration Utility
HP Array Configuration Utility CLI
HP Array Diagnostic Utility
HP Insight Diagnostics Online Edition for Windows
HP Insight Management Agents
HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility
HP Mission Critical Common Components (MC3)
HP MPIO DSM Manager v4.01.01
HP MPIO Full Featured DSM for EVA4x00/6x00/8x00 family of Disk Arrays v4.00.00
HP ProLiant Integrated Management Log Viewer
HP ProLiant Remote Monitor Service
HP Protect Your Data
HP Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification Service
HP StorageWorks Command View EVA Software Suite
HP Systems Management Homepage
HP Version Control Agent
HP Version Control Repository Manager
HP Virtualization Management Software 2.1

Screenshots from StorageWorks Command View EVA

Fig. 1: StorageWorks Command View EVA

Fig. 2: EVA Storage Network

Fig. 3: Vdisk Properties

Fig. 4: Host Properties

Fig. 5: Disk Group Properties

Fig. 6: Controller Properties

Screenshot of EVAPerf Contents

Screenshot of EVAScanV456789 Contents

Readme1st.text of EVAScanV456789

This exercise must be done at workstation that can reach the Appliance . ie with ping.

Unpack all files in the EVAScanV4and5.zip to the same directory , eg C:\Eva.
Open SSSUSCAN.txt ,
in the section stated :
SELECT MANAGER X.X.X.X username=administrator password=administrator
Edit X.X.X.X to match the IP address of Appliance Server.
Username / password are default administrator to SSSU server on Appliance server,
ie it's not default the same username / password as the actually OSM login account.

In section stated:

Edit XXXXX to match EVA name , this could be found either on the OCP on EVA or
in Command View, casesensative.
Eg , if EVA is named EVA01 then it should be SELECT CELL "EVA01"
When You finshed editing the file , then save the file with the changes , use the same filename(SSSUSCAN.txt).

Open a DOS window , go to the directory where You unpacked the files , ie C:\Eva.
Execute file ScanV4.bat or ScanV5.bat , dependant on if CV V4 or V5 is used , now a file called config.txt is created ,
this file should grow in about 2 minutes.If the file config.txt is not growing (wait 2 minutes) -
config.txt states only 0KB after 2 minutes , then there is something wrong with either username/
password , IP address or EVA Cell name in file SSSUSCAN.txt

Config.txt file should be about 200 - 550 KB depending on the EVA configuration.

The file called config.txt is much of interest to us. Please provide config.txt to us.
