a place to put some notes on the “AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate
(New!)” course from https://linuxacademy.com
Things to Know
53 Essentials:
- Route 53 is a domain
management service (DNS hosting solution) provided by AWS
- Key features include:
+ Domain Registration
-- Register domain names
+ Doman Name System (DNS) service
-- Translates friendly domain
names into IP addresses
-- Amazon Route 53 responds to
DNS queries using a global network of authoritative DNS servers, which reduces
+ Health Checking
-- Amazon Route 53 sends
automated requests over the internet to your application to verify that it’s
reachable, available, and functional
- Route 53 can manage external
DNS for domain routing (routing to the proper AWS resources such as a
CloudFront distribution, ELB, EC2 instance, or RDS server)
- Route 53 is commonly used
with an ELB to direct traffic from the domain to the ELB (and thus have traffic
evenly distributed among servers running your applications)
- Route 53 can also be used to
manage internal DNS for custom internal hostnames within a VPC as long as the
VPC is configured for it
- Latency, GEO, basic, and
failover routing policies allow for region-to-region fault tolerant
architecture design
- You can easily configure for
failover to S3 (if website bucket hosting is enabled) or CloudFront
53 Hosted Zones:
- A Hosted Zone stores DNS
records for your domain
- Basically, it contains the
rules (record sets) that tells Route 53 what to do with a DNS request
- There are both public and
private hosted zones:
-- A public hosted zone is a container that holds information about how
you want to route traffic on the Internet for a domain and its subdomains
-- A private hosted zone is a container that holds information about how
you want to route traffic for a domain and its subdomains within one or more
Amazon Virtual Private Clouds
- After you create a hosted zone
for your domain, you can create resource record sets to tell the Domain Name
System (DNS) how you want traffic to be routed for that domain
- Hosted zones come
pre-populated with NS (name server) and SOA (start of authority) record sets
53 Record Sets:
- Record sets are instructions
that actually match domain names to IP addresses
- Record sets are comprised of
various options, including:
-- Record type
-- Standard/alias
-- Routing policy
-- Evaluate target health
Common record types include:
- A: Used to point a domain to
an IPv4 IP address
- AAAA: Used to point a domain
to an IPv6 IP address
- CNAME: Used to point a
host/name to another host/name
- MX: Used to route email (mail
Alias Record Sets:
- Instead of an IP address
(standard record sets), an alias
record set contains a pointer to an AWS specific resource, such as:
-- An elastic load balancer
-- CloudFront distribution
-- Elastic Beanstalk
-- Amazon S3 bucket that is
configured as a static website
Routing Policy:
- Simple: Route all traffic to
one endpoint
- Weighted: Route traffic to
multiple endpoints (manual load balancing)
- Latency: Route traffic to an
endpoint based on the users’ latency to various endpoints
- Failover: Route traffic to a “secondary”
endpoint if the “primary” is unavailable
- Geolocation: Route traffic to
an endpoint based on the geographical location of the user
Evaluate Health Check:
- Can monitor the health of
your application and trigger an action
for DNS Failover:
- By using a failover routing
policy in a Route 53 DNS record set, an S3 bucket can be used as a failover
- This can provide an extremely
reliable backup solution if your primary endpoint fails
- And even though S3 should
only be used for static web hosting, it gives you the opportunity to provide
your users with some type of information unil the primary endpoint is working
- An S3 bucket can also be used
as a primary endpoint, if you just want to host a simple static site
Note: For a DNS record to use an S3 bucket as an endpoint, the
bucket name MUST be the same as the domain name.
- CloudFront is a global CDN
which delivers content from an “origin” location (the source of the content) to
an “edge” location (AWS CDN data center)
- An edge location allows the
caching of static objects from the origin location
- An origin can be an:
-- S3 bucket
-- Elastic Load Balancer that
distributes requests among origin EC2 instances
- CloudFront can integrate with
Route 53 for “alternate” CNAMES
-- This allows you to create a
URL such as http://cdn.mydomain.com that works with your distribution
CloudFront Benefits:
- Users experience lower
latency and content load time
- Reduces load on your
applications resources (origin services) - thus reducing cost
Updating Cached Files:
- Caching is done based off the
object name
- In order to server a new
version of an object, either create a new object with a new name or create an “invalidation”
on the CloudFront distribution based off the object name
- “Invalidations” have a cost,
so if you have to invalidate a large CloudFront distribution then perhaps you
should just create a new distribution and move DNS names
- Cached objects can also be
set with a specific expiration time/date, or set to not cache at all
Signing URLs:
- Signed URLs allow access to “private
content” by creating a temporary, one-time-use URL based off of the number of
seconds you want it to be accessible
- Signed with a X.509
Performance Considerations
- CloudFront performance can be affected by:
+ File size and type of file
+ Having to remake the request
from the Edge location to the origin
-- Downloading the object from
the origin takes time
-- As well as writing it to
cache and responding to the end user request
-- The more requests that have
to go to the origin, the higher the load is on your source - which can also
cause latency and load performance issues
+ The end location that the
user’s request goes to is dependent upon a “DNS check” to determine the closest
EDGE location - so slow DNS issues can cause performance issues
+ Query strings (request to the
origin to serve a specific object) reduce cache “hits”
-- It reduces performance
because query strings are often unique so it reduces the cache hits and also
requires extra “work” in order to forward to the origin location
- CloudFront performance can be increased by:
-- Longer cache periods
increases performance (less frequent request to the source)
Quiz: DNS, CDN, and Failover Quiz
Q: You are migrating your existing web
application from your on-premise data center to the AWS cloud. As part of
testing your AWS infrastructure, you only want to have 20% of traffic to hit
AWS resources and the other 80% to hit your on-premise resources. What record
set routing policy should you choose to accomplish this?
A: Weighted
A weighted routing policy allows for "manual" load balancing between
different endpoints.
T: An alias record set contains a
pointer to an AWS-specific resource.
An alias record set contains a pointer to an AWS-specific resource and is used
to direct traffic to ELBs, CF distributions, and S3 buckets.
T: CloudFront caching is based on the
object's file name (not its type).
Q: If you want to point a domain name to
an AWS elastic load balancer in Route 53, how would you need to configure the
record set?
A: Alias with a type "A"
record set
You will need to configure the record set as a type "A" alias. An
alias allows you to point the domain to an AWS-specific endpoint, such as an
ELB, Cloudfront distribution, or S3 bucket (as opposed to just an IPv4 IP
T: A public hosted zone should be used
for routing Internet traffic for a domain, and a private hosted zone should be
used for routing traffic within a VPC.
Q: What is a main benefit of using a
CloudFront distribution?
A: Reduces load on your applications
Once an object is cached at an edge location, all other requests for that
object will be handled by the edge location, not your application. This can
significantly reduce the amount of times your resources are hit.
Q: You have set up a CloudFront
distribution but find that instead of each edge location serving up objects
that should be cached, your application's origins are being hit for each
request. What could be a possible cause of this behavior?
A: The cache expiration time is set to
If the cache expiration time is not set (or set to zero), then CF will not
cache objects at the edge location. This will prompt the behavior where the
edge location will have to request the same object from the origin for reach
Q: Your CloudFront distribution is
performing well, but you are still getting too many request at the origin
locations. What could be one way to increase CloudFront performance?
A: Increase the cache expiration time
If your cache expiration times are too short, you may have request from the
edge location to the origin occurring when they are not required. If you
increase the cache expiration date, you should experience less hits to the
Q: What is an absolute rule when using
an S3 bucket for Route 53 DNS failover?
A: The S3 bucket must be the same as the
domain name
To use an S3 bucket for Route 53 DNS failover, the bucket name must match the
domain name.
T: A CloudFront origin is the source of
the object, and an edge location is where the object is cached.
Architecture Diagrams
Image: Physical & Networking Layer - Networking
Image: Physical & Networking Layer - CloudFront
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