Expanding StorageGRID 11.0 (Screenshots)

Click Maintenance > Maintenance Tasks: Expansion

Image: Click Maintenance > Maintenance Tasks: Expansion

Click ‘Configure Expansion

Image: Configure Expansion

Site = ‘-- New Site --'

Image: Site Selection

The site name can be the location of your data center: the name of the country or city in which your data center is located.

Approve the nodes for ‘Data Center 2’

Image: Approved Nodes

Enter the ‘Provisioning Passphrase’ and click Expand

Image: Generating grid configuration...

Download the ‘Recovery Package

Image: Expansion Progress

Which will need the ‘Provisioning Passphase’ again.

Image: Recovery Package download

Note: The ‘Recovery Package’ will have a folder ‘gpt-backup’ and ‘_REVx_SAID.zip’ and inside the embedded zip you’ll find a ‘password.txt’ file.

Wait for all phases of the expansion to be completed.

Image: Expansion Progress
