Install a new StorageGRID 11.x System – Joining Nodes to the Grid

0: Welcome


Image 0: Welcome: User this page to install a new StorageGRID...

1: License

Image 1: License

Click Next

2: Sites

Image 2: Sites

Click Next

3: Grid Network

Can use ‘Discover Grid Network subnets’ button to automatically add subnets based on the network configuration of all registered nodes.

Image 3: Grid Network

Click Next

4: Grid Nodes

Approve all the nodes and verify the settings (i.e. site is correct.)

Image 4: Grid Nodes

Image 4-1: Storage Node Configuration

Image 4-2: NTP Roles

Image 4-3: ADC service settings

The Administrative Domain Controller (ADC) service authenticates grid nodes and their connections with each other. The ADC service is hosted on each of the first three Storage Nodes at a site.

Image 4-4: Approved Nodes

Click Next

5: NTP

Help > API Docs

Click on ‘grid: Grid-level configuration operations

Image 5-i: StorageGRID Webscale Management API v2

Click ‘PUT /install/ntp-servers

Scroll down to Parameters
Click the ‘Model Schema’ box to generate the values
Change the IP address in the body section
Click ‘Try it out!
Verify ‘Response Code’ of 200 appears

Image 5-ii: Add NTP Server IP using API

Click the refresh button to automatically populate the specified NTP server IP address.

Image 5: NTP

Click Next

Note: For standard deployments, to prevent issues with time drift, you must specify four NTP server references of Stratum 3 or later. For lab purposes one is okay.

6: DNS

Image 6: DNS

Click Next

7: Passwords

Provisioning Passphrase:
Must be between 8 and 32 characters. Valid characters are: [0-9 a-z A-Z _ : , . @ ! - space]

Grid Management Root User Password:
Must be between 8 and 32 characters

Image 7: Passwords

Note: Production deployments should always use random CLI passwords for security reasons.
The provisioning passphrase is required to change the grid topology of your StorageGRID.
You use the grid management root user password to access the grid management interface as the “root” user.

Click Next

8: Install

Image 8: Install

Review the configuration and click Install
Note: Demo installation requires about 2 minutes (GRID installation can take some time.)

i: Save and Review the Recovery Package

When the installation progresses to the point where the grid topology is defined, you are prompted to download the Recovery Package file (.zip.)

Image i: Download Recovery Package

Tick the ‘I have successfully downloaded and verified the Recovery Package file’ when so.
Click Next

Note: If the installation is still in progress, the status page indicates the progress of the installation for each grid node.

ii: Login with the grid management root user credentials:

Image ii: Login with the grid management root user credentials
