NetAppDocs Cluster Acquisition over ASUP

Something I find massively useful, but getting the syntax is sometimes a fiddle. So here is the syntax layout out so that you just need to put your cluster name and a node serial number in (2 inputs) and PowerShell will do it's stuff.

Note: I save into C:\Output\ - if you don't have this folder you'll need to create it (or just change it to your preferred save location.)

Import-Module NetAppDocs
[String]$ClusterName = "YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME"
[String]$SerialOfANode = "A_NODE_SERIAL"

[String]$ClusterID = (Find-NtapAsupClusterId -ClusterName $ClusterName -NodeSerialNumber $SerialOfANode).cluster_identifier


Get-NtapClusterAsupData -Cluster ($ClusterName + ":" + $ClusterID) | Format-NtapClusterData | Out-NtapDocument -WordFile ("C:\Output\" + $ClusterName + ".Docx") -ExcelFile ("C:\Output\" + $ClusterName + ".xlsx")

Image: Example of the above in action
