Integrating NetApp WFA with MySQL
Note: The date_dimension table exists in the following schemas:
dwh_capacity, dwh_capacity_efficiency, dwh_performance.
If you google “Invoke-MySQLQuery” you will come across a article like:
With this installed on your WFA server, you can enter
something like the below into a Command Definition that does some SQL Query
$TestQuery = "SELECT
FROM scheme1.table1 as S
JOIN scheme2.table1 as T ON S.tid
WHERE S.something3 = 'something_to_search_for';"
$SQLquery = Invoke-MySqlQuery -query
If (-not $SQLquery -gt 1){
throw "Didn’t find anything!"
Running DFSutil.exe in WFA - Some Examples
## Checking for Existence of Link ##
$DFSCommand = "link `"" +
$dfsLink + "`""
$proc = start-process dfsutil.exe
-ArgumentList $DFSCommand -wait -PassThru
## Adding Link ##
$DFSCommand = "link add " + "`""
+ $dfsLink + "`"" + " `"" + $dfsTarget + "`""
$proc = start-process dfsutil.exe
-ArgumentList $DFSCommand -wait -PassThru
## Target Add ##
$DFSCommand = "target add " + "`""
+ $dfsLink + "`"" + " `"" + $dfsTarget + "`""
$proc = start-process dfsutil.exe
-ArgumentList $DFSCommand -wait -PassThru
## Setting Priority Class ##
$DFSCommand = "property
PriorityClass set " + "`"" + $dfsLink + "`""
+ " `"" + $dfsTarget + "`" " + $priority
$proc = start-process dfsutil.exe
-ArgumentList $DFSCommand -wait -PassThru
OCI DWH Getting the Latest TK from Date_Dimension
(Latest Date in OCI DWH)
use dwh_capacity;
select tk from date_dimension where
latest = 1;
Image: Getting the Latest TK from Date Dimension
(MySQL Workbench)
OCI DWH Understanding date_dimension
Note: The date_dimension table exists in the following schemas:
dwh_capacity, dwh_capacity_efficiency, dwh_performance.
There is only ever one date entry with ‘latest’ = 1. Below
is date_dimension described (describe date_dimension), and I have added a column
with example data.
use dwh_capacity;
describe date_dimension;
Field |Type |Null |Key |Default| Example Data |
tk | int(11) | NO
| | 0 | 358 |
fullDate | datetime | NO
| | NULL | 2017-05-08 00:00:00 |
dayInMonth | tinyint(4) | NO | |
NULL | 8 |
dayInYear | smallint(6)| NO | |
NULL | 128 |
dateYear | smallint(6)| NO | |
NULL | 2017 |
yearLabel | char(4) | NO
| | NULL | 2017 |
monthNum | tinyint(4) | NO | |
NULL | 5 |
monthLabel | char(7) | NO
| | NULL | 2017/05 |
dayInWeekNum | tinyint(4) | NO | |
NULL | 2 |
quarter | tinyint(4) | NO | |
NULL | 2 |
quarterLabel | char(7)
| NO | | NULL
| 2017/Q2 |
dayInQuarter | smallint(6)| NO | |
NULL | 38 |
repQuarter | tinyint(4) | NO | |
NULL | 0 |
repMonth | tinyint(4) | NO | |
NULL | 0 |
repWeek | tinyint(4) | NO | |
NULL | 0 |
repDay | tinyint(4) | NO | |
NULL | 1 |
tinyint(4) | NO | | NULL
| 1 |
sspFlag | tinyint(4) | NO | |
NULL | 1 |
latest | char(1) | YES |
| NULL | 1 |
future | char(1) | NO
| | 0 | 0 |
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