Mule 3: Lab Example 3: How to Invoke Java Logic

Note: These screenshots are my way of trying to remember stuff from the 'Mule 3 in Depth' Udemy course. Also hopefully re-using some of this how-to knowledge in real-world stuff.

We need the following Mule Components in our Anytime Studio Mule Application:

Set Payload
Java Component
Append String

Image: Anytime Studio: Mule Components Required

HTTP Component is configured as thus:

Path = /getprice

Image: HTTP Component configuration

Java Component is configured as thus:

Class Name = {Your Class}

Image: Java Component configuration

This example lab uses a Java Class that is already in Anypoint Studio (from the udemy course). The Java Class is as the image below.

Image: The Java Class

The Set Payload is configured as thus (we have this because the Java component expects string):

Value = #[message.inboundProperties.'http.query.params'.stock]

Image: Configuring Set Payload

The Append String component is configured as thus (because we want to put USD 'US Dollars' on the end of the Java output):

Message = USD

Image: Configuring Append String

Finally, if we run the Mule Application and go to the web page /getprice?stock={mule/ibm/...} this is what we get.

Image: Running the Mule Application
