Calculating ActiveIQ's Storage Efficiency Ratio (without Snapshot Copies) Using NetApp OCI DWH Data

I didn't have any luck here. Posting this information for if someone might find it useful (and - even better - for if someone might have an answer and they can let me know the error of my ways!)

Using information from this article -
How are customer-level ratios and efficiency savings calculated?
- can we get close to ActiveIQ Storage Efficiency ratios using NetApp OCI DWH data?

Also see:
How are capacities calculated in Active IQ Digital Advisor?

Note: I use uppercase and lowercase characters for variables.

Variables and Formulas

a = Aggr Logical Used without Snapshot copies
v = Logical Size Used by Volumes, Clones, Snapshot Copies in the Aggregate
s = Logical Size Used by Snapshot Copies

a = v – s

R = Aggregate Data Reduction SE Ratio
L = Logical Space Used by the Aggregate
P = Physical Space Used by the Aggregate

R = L/P

A = Aggr Physical Used Without Snapshot copies
T = Total Physical Used
S = Physical Size Used by Snapshot copies

A = T – (S / R)

C = Customer Efficiency Ratio without Snapshot copies
C = Sum[a {for all aggregates and nodes in the cluster}] / Sum[A {for all aggregates and nodes in the cluster}]

Problems I Encountered

I could not find v and s (thus I could not find a).
I could not find L (thus I could not find R)
I could not find S.
