Config Examples: How to Configure a new Sub Flow and Flow Reference in Mule 3

Flow Reference = Allows a flow to be referenced such that the message processing will continue in the referenced flow before returning.

1) For this you will need the following elements from the Mule Palette:

  • From Scopes: Sub Flow
  • From Components: Flow Reference

2.1) Double-click the Sub Flow element to edit:

For a Sub Flow, you can edit the name:

2.2) Double-click the Flow Reference element to edit:

For a Flow Reference, you can edit the name of the element, and point it to the Flow or Sub-Flow:

BONUS: I realized I didn't document the Flow element - doh! So here is the Flow element, the very first thing you'd normally drag into the canvas.

B1) From the Mule Palette, from Scopes, drag the Flow element onto the palette:

B2) Double-click the Flow element to edit (click the bar at the top):

On the General page, for the Flow element you have these configuration options:

  • Flow Configuration:
    • Name:
    • Initial State:
  • Optional Processing Strategy:
    • Processing Strategy:
      • asynchronous
      • non-blocking
      • queued-asynchronous
      • queued-thread-per-processor
      • synchronous
      • thread-per-processor
    • Processing Strategy Ref:
  • Business Events (Enabling this option will activate event tracking feature for all the elements within the flow):
    • Enable default events tracking: TICK/NO
    • Use transaction ID: TICK/NO
A fairly typical configuration is like (i.e. just a name):
