[OCI] Converting from Deprecated ECS Datasource to ECS 7.3.3+ Datasource

Once your IBM Cognos (on NetApp's OCI DataWarehouse) reports have been modified to work with inventory schema data rather than cloud schema data (or at least you know which are the priority reports that might need fixing), then the process of migrating for OCI "ECS" datasources to OCI "ECS for OCI 7.3.3+" datasources is:

  1. Collect data on all your current ECS datasources.
  2. Collect data on annotations you might have been applying via dwh_custom to object buckets.
  3. Add new "ECS for OCI 7.3.3+" datasource *
  4. Update annotations of storage (for instance: tier = object)
  5. Update annotations on buckets (will need to wait for inventory processing) via OCI REST API.
  6. Remove old "ECS" datasource (once new is working) **
  7. Validate report data.
* Since it uses a different schema, there shouldn't be any conflict.
** You want to do this before the ETL runs, otherwise there might be some double counting in the OCI DataWarehouse.

3 to 6 you will repeat for however many ECS datasources you have to upgrade. It's up to you how many you do at once, you probably don't want to do too many though, just do enough leaving you time to validate everything, and perform any remediation if required, then move onto the rest.

The following SQL query will help you with (1) above. Things in TBC cannot be obtained from the NetApp OCI DataWarehouse:

    ds.name AS 'DS Name'
  , ds.model AS 'DS Model'
  , CONCAT(ds.auditLastStatus,':',ds.auditLastStatusMessage) AS 'DS Status'
  , au.siteName AS 'AU Site'
  , au.name AS 'AU Name'
  , ds.name AS 'CFG: DS Name'
  , 'EMC:ECS for OCI 7.3.3+' AS 'CFG: Vendor + Model'
  , CONCAT(au.siteName,':',au.name) AS 'CFG: Where to Run'
  , 'INVENTORY' AS 'CFG: What to collect'
  , 'TBC' AS 'CFG: ECS Host'
  , '4443' AS 'CFG: ECS Host Port'
  , 'TBC' AS 'CFG: ECS Vendor ID'
  , 'TBC' AS 'CFG: ECS Password'
FROM dwh_inventory.acq_data_source AS ds
JOIN dwh_inventory.acq_acquisition_unit AS au ON au.id = ds.acquisitionUnitId
WHERE ds.model LIKE 'ECS%'
ORDER BY au.siteName,ds.name

NOTE: In dwh_inventory.acq_data_source.model, OLD ECS is "ECS", and NEW ECS is "ECS for OCI 7.3.3+"

NOTE: In dwh_inventory.storage.model both new and old are "EMC-ECS" but there is no straightforward way to map acq_data_source to storage (which is a shame as the ECS Host information is in dwh_inventory.storage)
