Note: It's probably better to go to 'Programs and Features' and uninstall SnapCenter Plug-ins Package, than follow the below articles (the highlighted lines are good for making sure SCE is well and truly gone). DO NOT REMOVE from the SnapCenter console as this will lose your backups, but is fine to uninstall locally from the client. Reinstall plugins from SnapCenter.
Note: Beware of other install processes running at the same time as your SnapCenter plugins... (it may be necessary to reboot your Exchange server.)
A couple of links from a troubleshooting case:
SCE Plug-in installation failing
Remove existing installation from Exchange host and manually install the Plug-ins
Open Microsoft dynamic ports based on Exchange CLI output:
netsh int ipv4 show dynamicport tcp
From Exchange host uninstall the SnapCenter Plug-in for Windows application. Copy the file snapcenter_windows_host_plugin.exe from SC to Exchange host:
- SC file location "C:\ProgramData\NetApp\SnapCenter\Package Repository\"
- Exchange file location: "C:\Windows\SnapCenter plugin\" .
Open Windows Admin Command Prompt, navigate to "C:\Windows\SnapCenter plugin" and type:
snapcenter_windows_host_plugin.exe/silent BI_SNAPCENTER_PORT=8145 SUITE_INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapCenter" BI_SERVICEACCOUNT=<domain\user> BI_SERVICEPWD=<password> ISFeatureInstall=SCW,SCE
Manual remove SnapCenter Plug-Ins from Plug-In host
Note: If the uninstall of the Plug-in Package wants to reboot or stop a lot of programs, just stop the Plugins and SMCore services first, and select the option to just continue without a reboot/stopping the applications.
From Windows Command Prompt in Admin mode: copy and paste following parameters:
# Delete SnapCenter Plug-in services #
sc delete SnapManagerCoreService
sc delete SCWPluginService
sc delete SCEPluginService
Remove plug-in entrances from Windows registry
# Remove SMCORE, SCW, SCE #
MsiExec.exe /X "{3F29BA2D-F761-4A6C-AC76-EB07B5D1B713}"
MsiExec.exe /X "{F5E9D4A5-A46D-4DE2-9877-05C5E41A704C}"
MsiExec.exe /X "{99428729-CCA4-4771-8EA9-08C616F53803}"
Other Notes
CMD> vssadmin list providers
And check there is no Data ONTAP Hardware provider.
Some other Links
Manage SnapCenter Server and plug-ins
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