Generic Ansible Playbook for Running a Python Script

The below is a generic Ansible playbook for running a Python Script on a remote server. I'm actually using this with Ansible Tower / AWX (where the software is pulled from GIT onto a remote server, and run on the remote server.) 


- name: name_of_execution

  hosts: all

  gather_facts: False



    code_dir: project_code_folder

    src_code_dir: template_code_folder


    double_quote: '"'



  - name: set region


      region: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].region | default('??') }}"


  - name: setup



  - name: generate collection id


      collection_id: "{{(ansible_date_time['epoch']|int/3600)|int}}"

    run_once: True

    delegate_to: localhost

    when: collection_id is not defined


  - name: set win/linux


      master_is_linux: "{{ 'WIN' not in (ansible_system | upper) }}"


  - name: make working dir


      name: ~/{{code_dir}}

      state: directory

    when: master_is_linux


  - name: deploy scripts


      src: ../{{src_code_dir}}

      dest: ~/{{code_dir}}

    when: master_is_linux


  - name: execute python script

    shell: |

      if command -v python3


      alias python='python3'


      source /opt/folder/bin/activate;

      export PYTHONPATH=~/{{code_dir}}/{{src_code_dir}};

      cd ~/{{code_dir}}/{{src_code_dir}};


      python ~/{{code_dir}}/{{src_code_dir}}/{{script_name}};

    register: save_python_script_response

    when: master_is_linux
