ONTAP FAS: Shelf Has Downrev Firmware

Update: This turned out to be - SU543: [Impact High] Shelf firmware repeatedly upgrades, system displays wrong disk names, or SAS shelf environmental status updates delayed after upgrade to ONTAP 9.12.1P4 or 9.13.1 - and fixed in ONTAP 9.12.1P5.

After an upgrade to ONTAP 9.12.1P4 on a 4-node MC-FC, we were getting:

'sfu.firmwareDownrev.shelf: Shelf 0a.shelf0 has downrev firmware'

This is covered by this NetApp KB with solution:

  1. Run the node run * options shelf.fw.auto.update command to check if automatic shelf firmware update is off
  2. Manually run the (advanced privilege) storage shelf firmware update command if background update is disabled.

So shelf.fw.auto.update was set to yes, but still we ran the storage storage shelf firmware update and got another error:

'shelf firmware update request failed because no eligible shelves were found'

The error is strange because we checked our shelf firmware in node run -node * sysconfig -a and compared this to the output of storage firmware shelf show and we had later firmware in the /etc/shelf directory than we did on the shelf.

Example of storage firmware shelf show output.

And working out which node is the storage master node (SMN):

::> run local
> priv set diag
> smnadmin status

So, following on from the KB, either not all nodes in the MetroCluster have the latest firmware, or we cannot communicate with the storage master node for some reason... Or we need to run the command from the storage master node (connect via node management IP).

To be continued...

Other notes

To download the shelf firmware:
storage firmware download -node * -package-url http://web_server/IOM12E.0230.SFW.zip

Another manual upgrade option:
storage shelf firmware update -module-type IOM12E
storage shelf firmware update -shelf 14.0
storage shelf firmware show-update-status

Shelf firmware show command:
storage shelf show -fields module-fw-revision,module-type

IOM12 firmware version 0250 has ONTAP version dependencies. Hence it can be only installed on specific Ontap version.
